Highly venomousMakes the person severely ill(systemic effects), Deadly.
Fangs are on the front of the upper jaw
Eg:All sea snakes in SL coastal waters, 2 Kraits(Common krait/Magamaruwa/Thel Karawala & Sri Lanka krait/Mudu Karawala), Cobra(Naya), Russell’s viper(Thith Polanga), Saw scaled viper(Weli Polanga) & Hump nosed viper(Polon Thelissa/Kunakatuwa).
Moderately venomousModerate systemic effects, rarely leads to death.
Fangs are on the front of the upper jaw
Eg: Four species of pit vipers including Green Pit viper (Pala Polanga)
Mildly venomousNo systemic effects may cause local adverse effects (wound), not deaths.
Fangs are on the back of the upper jaw
Eg: 12species of Colubridae family snakes. group includes two Ahaetulla species(Vine snake), 5 Boiga species (Mapila in Sinhala/Cat snakes), Dog faced water snake (Kunu diya kaluwa), Blossem krait(Nihaluwa), Ornate flying snake(Malsara), Sri lanka flying snake(Dagara danda) and Glossy marsh snake(Prevostage Diyabariya)
Non venomousMajority in Sri Lanka falls in to this category
Do not have fangs
Eg: Rat snake(Geradiya), Ceylon Wolf snake